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How Does B-12 Work?

B-12 helps the body in converting carbohydrates into sugar, which is burned in order to produce energy to help the body function. With additional energy being produced this results in more energy provided to burn more calories. As there are more calories burned, the less fat there is stored in the body.

How Does This Procedure Work?

B-12 vitamins are injected into the muscle, this is a quick and easy way to get your essential vitamin boost! Packed with essential nutrients, these shots will leave you feeling energized, balanced and ready to take charge in your busy lifestyle!

what to expect during treatment?

B-12 injections are quick and tolerable. You will feel a small pinch with the insertion of the needle and a slight stinging as the vitamin is deposited. B-12 injections are usually administered into an area of muscle, sites include the upper arm, buttocks and abdomen.

what to expect IMMEDIATELY after treatment?

With any injections, there may be redness, soreness and bruising at the injection site, bruising may last 5-7 days. B-12 shots may include mild side effects of upset stomach, nausea and headache.

How Many B-12 Sessions Will I Need?

Typically people will get B-12 injections once a week in combination with a weight loss program that includes an exercise routine. Most patients will start with a 1 month program that involves typically getting injections 3 times a week and will continue until they reach their weight loss goal. Some people may also continue to get injections only a few times a month whenever the feel they need a pick me up or boost!