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From the age of 30, 50% of people complain about under eye circles. The delicate skin under the eyes can gradually appear sunken, hollow and darker due to aging, genetics and volume loss. Under eye hollowness are also known as tear troughs. They are characterized by dark circles, deep indentations, and a tired appearance around the eyes and are caused by fat loss. Fillers work as a way to replace volume loss. With age, fat in the face can move and drop. As the under eye fat pads separate from the cheeks, it creates a depression and a hollow appearance. This can create shadows causing dark circles and making your eyes look tired. Fillers are beneficial to anyone with dark circles or under eye hollowness.

How The Procedure Works

Using a specifically formulated under eye filler, this is gently and strategically injected under the skin to fill in the hollowness under the eyes. This soft gel stimulates the appearance of denser fat pads under the skin, creating a smooth transition between the under eye areas and the upper cheek areas, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

What The Procedure Feels Like

Firstly, a consultation to evaluate the level of hollowness will be completed. Typically to start, 1 syringe is divided between the eyes and a reassessment will follow after 2 weeks to determine if an additional syringe is needed. The filler is carefully deposited into the depressions using a blunt-tipped needle to minimize chances of bruising and swelling. This procedure is not painful but slightly uncomfortable as patients may feel a small pinch and some pressure. Each session can take approximately 30 minutes. Dermal filler is the most popular non-surgical treatment to treat under eye hollows and dark circles!

Who Is A Good Candidate

Patients are carefully selected based on skin quality, skin elasticity, and a pronounced tear trough. A good candidate must have good skin quality, elasticity, hollowness, and smaller eye bags. Patients will be assessed carefully during the consultation, as fillers are not for everyone and if used on a wrong patient, may lead to undesirable results and complications.

Number of Treatments

It is recommended to return for an assessment after 2-3 weeks to examine healing, the final results, and determine if an additional syringe is required. If the patient is satisfied with the final results, no touch up is required. This procedure can be repeated in 6-8 months for maintenance or when there is notice of the filler effects fading.

What To Expect Immediately After Treatment

Immediately after treatment, there may be slight redness, swelling, and tenderness in the treated areas. Bruising is not common, however, there is a possibility of bruising from the entry point made by the needle puncture and may last 5-7 days. No significant downtime is required, however it is advised to avoid any strenuous activities and extreme heat (tanning beds, saunas, etc.) for the next 24 hrs.

When To Expect Results

Some results will be visible immediately after the session along with some swelling and puffiness, which will subside in the next couple of days. Final results will be seen over the next couple of weeks as the filler attracts hydration. Results can last anywhere from 8-12 months varying between individuals.


·       Dermal fillers should be done 2 weeks prior to travelling or upcoming events due to swelling and possible bruising

·       Avoid taking blood thinners such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin about 3-5 days prior

·       Avoid taking supplements such as Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids about 3-5 days prior

·       Avoid consuming alcohol 24 hours prior to treatment


·       Avoid exercise and strenuous activities for 24 hours

·       Avoid extended sun and heat exposure for 24 hours (hot yoga, tanning beds)

·       Do not rub the eyes or manipulate treated areas

·       Do no apply make-up for 12 hours